Managing Your Brand in a Crisis

From product failures to environmental disasters, when bad things happen, it’s vital to respond quickly in a way that ensures your brand’s survival. The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of a brand crisis that affects consumer behaviour on a global scale. Net consumer optimism and income are at an all-time low, and there is a […]
Taking the agency from Breakfast Baps & Lattes to Porridge & Smoothies

Increasingly over the last few years we are becoming more and more aware of how important our everyday habits are to our overall health. The majority of us spend more time at work than anywhere else, so if your work day is creamy coffee & pastries followed by anything you can grab to graze on through the morning you are probably feeling like you’re done by 3 o’clock.
Live a Customers Life

What is it that helps one brand become a rip-roaring success while others falter and fail? According to research by Siegal and Gale, in conjunction with Shift Thinking, successful marketers approach marketing in an unconventional way.
Know What You Stand for And Why

Twenty years ago, the concept of purpose-driven brand development was practically unheard of. There were some exceptions, of course, such as Johnson and Johnson who distanced themselves early in the race by adopting a campaign based on inspired leadership.
However, by and large, the generally held belief was that marketing and brand values had nothing to do with one another.
Things have changed dramatically since that time. Companies started to wake up to the possibilities that consumers wanted brands to be more. They wanted to deal with companies that had a purpose, companies that were striving to effect a positive impact in their communities and the world in general.
Live Your Brand from The Inside Out

According to the CEO of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, the company wants to hire people looking for more than just a job. Having staff who are passionate about what they’re doing is essential if you want your company to be a success.
Hoo’s Waking Up?

It doesn’t happen very often, and never before has a National Trust property closed for such an unprecedented period. After closing the doors back in the Autumn, six months have passed while the team at Sutton Hoo have undertaken a multi-million pound project to transform the visitor brand experience. With so much going on the team […]
What’s retargeting and why should I do it?

It’s a mystery, or is it? You’ve probably all heard of Pay Per Click (PPC), and have been bored by companies selling SEO with the same old line ‘I’ll get you onto page one of google’ a hundred times; page one for what? Five legged zig zag patterned cats! Don’t get me wrong, PPC and SEO […]
A guerrilla frame of mind

The brands we love Marketing is pretty much one of the most important things any business can do. Not only does it promote your business, it teaches people why you get out of bed in the morning and educates your followers on how you plan to rule the world. From jumping on board user generated content to […]
4 signs it’s time to re-brand

4 signs it’s time to re-brand Sometimes a company realises it needs to create a new lease of life and seizes the opportunity to rebrand, whether it’s to create a snazzy new image or push away potential future threats. There are some key signs that may mean it could be time for a rebrand. In […]
Wright or Wrong!

Tell me, tell me. Not what, but why! As a brand today you’ll probably have told everyone what you do, but how many of you have told people why you do it? I guess it’s the latter that makes getting up in the morning easy? A key to how a great brand becomes great is […]